Software developer, musician, and father.

(Not necessarily in that order.)

Josh Andromidas

Josh Andromidas

Software developer @ Booz Allen Hamilton


My favorites 💚

  • TypeScript logoTypeScript
  • React logoReact
  • Tailwind CSS logoTailwind CSS
  • NextJS logoNextJS

Additional skills 💪

  • JavaScript logoJavaScript
  • GraphQL logoGraphQL
  • PostgreSQL logoPostgreSQL
  • Docker logoDocker
  • Java logoJava
  • Spring boot logoSpring boot
  • Tanstack Query logoTanstack Query

I love learning new technologies! Check out my GitHub profile for a more extensive list of the tools I like to work with.

My Journey

  1. 2020 — 2021

    🍎 Started learning JavaScript

    I began tinkering with JavaScript, building small projects to learn programming basics. What started with simple web scraping and scripting tasks quickly evolved into creating small web apps.

  2. May 2022

    🎓 Graduated from Hack Reactor

    I completed a 13-week software engineering immersive program with over 1000+ hours of coding, specializing in JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I built several projects, including a full-stack e-commerce site.

    At graduation, I was voted"Most Likely to Become JavaScript Famous", whatever that means...

  3. July 2022 — January 2024

    👨‍💻 Employed at Booz Allen Hamilton

    At BAH, I contributed to a project for the Department of Veterans Affairs. I implemented new features, fixed bugs in the frontend, and led an overhaul to improve data fetching and performance.

    I received a recognition award titled "The React Guru" for my work on the project.

    See award
  4. January 2024 — May 2024

    👨‍💻 Employed at TakeHomes

    I led the frontend development for the startup's website, collaborating closely with the CTO to create new API endpoints, data models, and features. I also redesigned the landing page and converted the existing website to use TailwindCSS.

    Sadly, the startup ran out of funding sooner than expected and was forced to shut down operations after only a few months of me working there.

  5. May 2024 — Present

    👨‍💻 Freelance projects

    I've worked on a variety of projects for small businesses and startups. Check out the projects page for more details.

    See projects
  6. Now

    👨‍💻 Employed at Booz Allen Hamilton (again)

    After a few months of really tough job hunting, I've been fortunate enough to be offered a job again at BAH, becoming a "boomerang" employee. 🪃

    I guess the grass wasn't greener on the other side after all!


Red's Pest Control

Red's Pest Control

React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NextJS, Vercel

A website I designed and built for a local pest control company. It's a static site that provides information about the company and the services they offer. The site is built with NextJS and TailwindCSS, and is hosted on Vercel.



React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NextJS

A website marketing the technology and future ideas of a SaaS startup. I was responsible for converting the existing website to use TailwindCSS, as well as implementing new features. The entire landing page was designed and implemented by me.

This Portfolio

This Portfolio

React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, NextJS, Vercel

The website you're currently viewing. (Is this recursion?)

It's built with NextJS and TailwindCSS, and is hosted on Vercel. The site is designed to be responsive and accessible, and to showcase my skills as a frontend developer.